
I Had No Idea

A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night and have dinner. The girl tells her boyfriend that she would like to “do it” for the first time.

The boy is ecstatic but he has never done it before so he goes to the pharmacist to get some protection. The pharmacist helps the boy for over an hour and tells the boy everything there is to know about protection.

We are more than friends now

One day at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing a skin-tight miniskirt. When the bus arrived and it was her turn to get on, she realized that her skirt was so tight that she couldn’t get her foot high enough to reach the step.

Jokes to your email!


A mom tells her son to buy some vegetables
She says to bargain, and try to offer the seller half the price

Son: Sir, how much does a bag of vegetable cost?

During an Interview

Interviewer: “I heard you were extremely quick at math”
Interviewer: “I heard you were extremely quick at math”

Me: “yes, as a matter of fact, I am”

They Went for a Swim

An orthodox priest, a catholic priest, and a rabbi go for a swim.

It was a hot day and the three desperately needed to cool off. They went to the lake just outside the village, made sure no one else was around and decided to skinny dip.

My Aunt’s Three Daughters

One day her three daughters run-up to her mom and one of them yells “mom!!! Why am I named rose?” “Well, sweetie, when you were born a rose petal fell on your head” The second daughter. “Mommy!!!!!!!!! Why am I named violet?” “Because when you were born a violet somehow fell on your head” The third child. “Djfiiiggf fiichd ajjguie fuuhsb?” “Oh shut up brick”

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A Picture of Me

My mom has a picture of me in her wallet.

And none of my siblings. She said that whenever she faces a problem, she looks at my picture and the problem disappears.

Christian Horse

A Christian guy named Bill saw ana d online for a Christian Horse, so he went to check it out. The horse’s owner said, “It’s easy to ride him. Just say ‘Praise the Lord!’ to make him go and ‘Amen!’ to make him stop.”

Three Little Old Nuns

Three little old nuns are attending a church service in Rome when, in a freak accident, a giant crucifix falls from the old plaster wall and kills them.

When they arrive at the Pearly Gates Saint Peter says, “I’m so sorry, Sisters, that was a freak accident and wasn’t supposed to happen.

His Mistake

A king had 10 wild ferocious dogs. He used them to torture and kill any minister that misguided him. A minister once gave an opinion that was wrong and which the king didn’t like at all. So he ordered that the minister be thrown to the dogs.

How did He Managed

A man was standing before the judge, being questioned over how did he managed

to run over 10 people while driving his truck, so the man answered:

Something Crazy

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender gives the man his drink and the man asks “If I show you something crazy, would let me have free drinks for the rest of the night?”
The bartender thinks for a minute and then says “It would to be something spectacular to take that offer.” The man leans down and picks up a box and sets it on the bar. He opens the box and inside is a small piano man, who is only 1 foot tall, and a little piano. The piano man starts playing classical music like Beethoven and Chopin.