
A cop pulls over a speeding red Porsche and walks up. Before he can say anything the driver, a teenager, challenges him “Do you know who my father is?” The cop takes off his hat and pauses and says…

God Share

An Orthodox Priest, a Catholic Priest and a Rabbi are talking about how they divide up the money they get in collections from their congregations.

Catholic Priest: “To divide up the money, we draw two …

Jokes to your email!


A man finds a lamp and rubs it a genie pops out and offers him 3 wishes but with condition .

What ever you wish your wife will get double it. You want a million dollars, your wife gets two million dollars”…


Ivanov applied to the Communist Party. The party committee conducts an interview.
“Comrade Ivanov, do you smoke?”
“Yes, I do a little.”
“Do you know that comrade …

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Old Joke

A rabbit ran wildly in the street.
“Why are you running like mad?” a bear asked.
“Don’t you know, they are now arresting all…

Плохой водитель

Гаишник отчитывает водителя:
– Ну как же так? Перестроились через ряд , превысили скорость в два раза! Я еще понимаю “Мерседес”, но вы! Вы! Водитель трамвая!!!


A clergyman got up one morning and was surprised to find a dead donkey at his from door. Thinking that a practical joker had put it there , he rang up his friend the Town Clerk.
“I saw, John, there’s a dead donkey at my…


“Did you hear about the aboriginal who bought himself a new boomerang”
“No. What happened?”
“He went crazy trying to throw the old one away”


Дочь учится на повара. Мама интересуется:
– А вам разрешают есть то, что вы приготовили?
Дочь, тяжело вздыхая:
– Нас заставляют.

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Producer: “In this scene you’re blown into the air and caught by any airplane.”
Star: “I see. But what if the airplane isn’t there”
Producer: “Well, don’t wait, come down.”