Short Jokes

Q. What does a wicked witch like to read in the newspaper?

A. Her horror scope!

Q. Why do dragons sleep all day?

A. So they can fight knights!

Q. Why was Cinderella such a lousy baseball player?

A. She had a pumpkin for a coach!

Q.Why did Cinderella get kicked off the baseball team?

A. She always ran away from the ball!

Q. Why were the giant’s fingers only eleven inches long?


Capitan’s Talk

Jewish and Chinese Pilots.

A plane leaves Los Angeles airport under the control of a Jewish captain.

His copilot is Chinese. It’s the first time they’ve flown together, and an awkward silence between the two seems to indicate a mutual dislike….

Jokes to your email!

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* You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping next year.

* Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.

* You have a piano in your living room.

* You live with your parents and you are 30 years old.

* You always cook too much.

* You never discuss your love life with your parents.

* Your parents are never happy with your grades.

* You save your old Coke bo

Только не кариес!

Травматология. Лежит мужчина, у него переломано все, что только возможно после серьезной аварии. Весь в гипсе, бинтах, растяжках. На тумбочке- пачка “Орбит”. Заходит доктор (обход). Оптимистично так:
-Ну что, больной, на поправочку? Уже и жвачечку жуем?
Больной (мрачно):
-При всей ерунде…(гримаса боли и 10-секундная пауза) нам только кариеса не хватало…


I hate the double standards between men and women. When a woman goes out and sleeps around with a bunch of guys she is considered a slut, but when a guy does it, he is considered a homosexual.


A blonde texts her b/f saying that she doesn’t understand what IDK means, and wondering if he understood what it meant.
He replied back saying…