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You Just Wait

My mother said, “You won’t amount to anything because you always procrastinate.”

I said, “Oh yeah… Just you wait.”

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A Dark Joke

When I was a kid, I made a really big sandcastle with my grandma.

Unfortunately, that didn’t impress anyone at the cremation…

Two Blind Pilots Enter A Plane.

They have sunglasses and white sticks.

As the plane starts to move, the passengers are uncomfortable. The plane gains speed, but it stays on the ground. The remaining runway gets smaller and smaller, and the plane is rushing towards a fence.

A Man Goes On A Trip

A man goes on a trip to Israel with his wife and his mother-in-law. His mother-in-law died at the hotel. The administration there told him, that they can organize her funeral there for free, as she died there, but to take her body to the US will cost 5,000 dollars.

Lost In The Woods

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead got lost in the woods. Finally, they decide to make camp. Soon they become hungry and decide to hunt.

The brunette goes first and comes back with a rabbit. The blonde and redhead ask,