A Wife Is Missing

A man goes to a police station… “My wife is missing! She went out yesterday and has not come home…”

Sergeant at Police Station: “What is her height?”

Three Rich Guys

Three rich guys bury a friend.

First throws a thousand bucks into the coffin, saying “I want you to never need anything in the next life”.

In The Beginning

In the beginning
God said, “Adam, I want you to do something for Me.”
Adam said, “Gladly, Lord, what do You want me to do?”

Jokes to your email!

For Men Only

A blonde walks into a bar that has a sign marked: “For Men Only”.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” says the bartender. “We only serve men in this place.”

State Capitals

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly says,

“Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them.”

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A Guy And A Blond Are On A Date

A guy and a blond are on a date, and after dinner and a movie, they head on up to that city’s makeout spot “Lookout Point”, where things get a little hot and heavy. Then the guy leans over,

I Must Warn You

A young woman goes to the hospital to have her baby. No husband or boyfriend is present. The woman has her baby and then the nurse comes in and says,

“I must warn you your baby is black.” The woman says

I Have A Dollar

A man goes into a bar and seats himself on a stool. The bartender looks at him and says,

“What’ll it be buddy?” The man says,

He Asked Her Name

A guy spots a nice looking girl in a bar goes up and starts small talk. Seeing that she didn’t back off he asked her name.

“Carmen,” she replied.

The Genie Joke

Three men, a Canadian, Osama Bin Ladin and President Bush are out walking together one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it.

“I will give each of you one wish, that’s three wishes total,” says the Genie.

Drink Beer

There’s a big conference of beer producers. At the end of the day, all of the presidents of all beer companies decide to have a drink in a bar.

The president of ‘Budweiser’ orders a Bud, the president of ‘Miller’ orders a Miller Lite, Adolph Coors orders a Coors, and the list goes on. Then the waitress asks Arthur Guinness what he wants to drink, and much to everybody’s amazement, Mr. Guinness orders a Coke!

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Didn’t Think

Jack, a handsome man, walked into a sports bar around 9:58 PM.

He sat down next to a blonde at the bar and stared up at the TV as the 10:00 news came on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a large building preparing to jump.