Blondes Are In An Elevator

Three blondes are in an elevator when the elevator suddenly stops and the lights go out.

They try using their cell phones to get help but have no luck. Even the phones are out. After a few hours of being stuck with no help, one of the blondes says to the others,

Jokes to your email!

Have You Ever Seen

A man decided to paint the toilet seat while his wife is away.

That day the wife came home sooner than expected. She went to the toilet, sat, and got the seat stuck to her back part. She was understandably distraught about this and asked her husband to drive her to the doctor. She put on a large overcoat to cover the stuck seat and they went.

On The Dentist’s Chair

A young lady went to her dentist. She sat on the dentist’s chair to get her tooth extracted. Seeing too many instruments she got frightened,

“Doctor, I would rather have a baby than my tooth pulled out.”

Warnings And Errors

A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke rings into the air. His wife nervously said,

“Don’t you see the warning on the cigarette pack? Smoking is hazardous to your health!”

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The Choice

Two missionaries get caught in Africa by a tribe of primitives. The chief of the tribe says

“We’ve captured you in our land! I shall give you a choice. ‘Death’ or ‘ugu’?”

Three Blondes

Three blondes were talking on a tall building in the city. After a while, one of them jumped, hit the floor, and died. Then the second blond jumped, hit the floor, and died. The third blond jumped next. She hit the floor but she didn’t die.

Smartest Dog

A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watched the game in astonishment for a while.

“I can hardly believe my eyes!” he exclaimed.

A Gay, A Robber, And A Drunk

One day there was a gay guy, a robber, and a drunk. They were living their life and one day the gay guy did his deed and poof… he is gone. Then the robber goes and robs a bank and poof… he’s gone. Then the drunk gets drunk at a bar and poof… he’s gone.

A Sign On Beer

A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. After some time he wanted to go to the toilet. He doesn’t want someone to steal his drink so he puts a sign on it,

“I spat in this beer, do not drink!”

A Programmer’s Wish

A programmer is walking along a beach and finds a magic lamp. He rubs the lamp, and a genie appears.

“I am the most powerful genie in the world. I grant you a wish, tell me what you want.”

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High Prices

Jesus walks into a bar and says, “Can I have a glass of water?” Then he turns it into wine.

The bartender says “Jee what are you doing?”