Private Pilot Lessons

A blonde was taking private pilot lessons. It was time for her to take her test.

The instructor told her to go up 500 feet and radio back. Then he instructed her to go up to 1000 feet and radio back. Again, he instructed her to go up to 2000 feet and radio back, to 3000 and radio back, and so on. She took the helicopter up to 500 feet and radioed back. She was doing well, so she went on up to 1000 feet and radioed back. Still doing well, she went on up to 2000 feet, 3000…

A Burning Building

There is a burning building. Three girls, a redhead, a brunette, and a blond, climbed to the roof of it. On the street firemen were holding a blanket for them to jump in. A fireman cried to the brunette,

Two Blondes

Two blondes were sitting in a restaurant. A few minutes later, they stood up, gave cheers, and shout,

“30 days”.

Jokes to your email!

Who Is??

A blonde man and a redhead woman were married and about to have a baby. In the hospital, he held his wife’s hand as she went through a trying birth. In the end, there were two little, nice girls. The blonde guy turned to the wife and angrily said ”Well, tell me now, who is the other’s father!”

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That Mailbox.

A blonde went to her mailbox, looked in it, closed the door of it, and went back in the house.

A few minutes later she went to her mailbox, looked in it, closed the door of it, and went back into the house again.

A Couple Was Arguing

A couple was arguing in a lodge. The husband called the manager and said,

“I’m having an argument with my wife, and now she wants to jump out the window please come here as soon as possible!”

A Blond Asks

A blond in a bus stop asks a man, “Excuse me, sir, could you tell me what time is it?”

The man replies: “It’s four o’clock.”