
Q: When is an apple a grouch?
A: When it’s a crab apple!

Q: What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet?
A: A tooty fruity!

Q: What did the apple skin say to the apple?
A: I’ve got you covered

Q: Why were the apple and the orange all alone?
A: Because the banana split

Q: What is King Kong’s favorite food?
A: Ape-ricots!

Q: What do two bananas do when they meet each other?
A: A banana shake!

Q: What kind of shoes are made from banana peels?
A: Slippers!

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?
A: Because it wasn’t peeling well

Q: What did the banana in the sun say to the other banana in the sun?
A: I don’t know about you but I’m starting to peel!

Q: What key do you use to open a banana?
A: A monkey

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