Aladdin Jokes

Aladdin: Get me a fur coat.

Genie: What fur?

Aladdin: Fur to keep me warm, that’s what fur!

As a child, the wicked magician always wanted to saw people in half.

Was he an only child?

No, he had lots of half-brothers and sisters!

Do you know what’s inside Aladdin’s lamp?

It would take a genie-us to find out!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Aladdin who?

A lad in the street who wants to come in!

What did Aladdin do when he lost his lamp?

He used a candle instead!

What did Aladdin’s lamp say?

“You turn me on!”

What does a magician like to keep up his sleeve?

His arm!

What kind of pet did Aladdin have?

A flying car-pet!

Why did Aladdin’s lamp hum?

Because the genie inside it didn’t know the words!

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