On a Private Plane

A Russian, an American and a Vietnamese were on a private plane together.

At 10,000 feet, the plane started encountering some problems and the pilot announced: "Gentlemen, I'm afraid we are running out of fuel, we will need to throw our baggage away to reduce the weight if we wish to land safely!"

He then opened the door and asked the passengers to begin letting go of their stuff.

The Russian unhesitantly threw a bag of expensive Vodkas away. Because of the loud wind, he had to shout at the other guys: "Don't worry! I have plenty of those back home!"

The American hesitated for a bit. He then threw a black suitcase off the door and shouted: "It was 100,000$ cash. But don't worry, I can make that back in a day."

The Vietnamese did not have anything to throw away. He then looked at the American for a while and kicked him off the plane. The Russian was in utter shock and screamed at the Vietnamese: "Why did you kick him off the plane?

He then replied: "Don't worry! We have plenty of guys like him in Vietnam!"

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