Pain splitting machine…

A great scientist invents a machine to split the pain of birth between a couple…
He finds a couple who just went into labor, and asks them if he can use the machine on them, as a test.
The couple agrees, and the husband says “We can split it 50 – 50, its only fair”. So the scientist turns the machine up to 50%, just as the baby begins coming out, and the women starts groaning in pain…
“I feel nothing” says the husband. “Crank it up to 75%” The scientist is hesitant, but turns the machine up to 75%.
“I still feel nothing” the husband says, “Crank it up to 100%” The scientist slowly turns the machine to 100%, and the wife begins to feel nothing.
“Huh” says the husband. “Turn it up to 200%, I’m curious”
The scientist, seeing that the man is completely fine turns the machine up to 200% and the man still feels nothing.
The baby is born and after some time spent in the hospital, the couple go home. As they pull up to their driveway they find the mailman dead on the front porch.

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