Good Old Grandpa

“You kids today,” says a college student’s grandpa. “All you do is stay in the house all day and play video games. When I was your age, my buddies and I went to Paris and went to the Moulin Rouge. We fucked some of the dancers right on stage, went behind the bar, robbed the register, and stayed there drinking all night!”

The grandson thinks his grandfather is right. He goes to Paris with his friends and comes back three days later with two black eyes and a broken arm.

The grandfather asks, “What the hell happened to you?”

The grandson says, “I did what you did. I went to the Moulin Rouge; I tried to fuck a dancer on stage and steal the money from the register, but they beat the shit out of me and stole all the cash in my wallet!”

The grandfather says, “Well, who the hell did you go with, boy?”

The grandson says, “My buddies from school. Why? Who did you go with?”

The grandfather says, “Well… the Nazis.”

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