Applying for a sales position

A man goes to apply for a job in a big Walmart. He's interviewed by the personnel manager and asked:
– Do you have sales experience?
– Yes, sir, I worked selling clothes.
The manager decides to give him a test, so he says:
– Come to work tomorrow at 9 AM. You'll work all day and in the afternoon I'll do an evaluation to see if you are hired or not.
Indeed, the next day the man works all day, and at the end the boss gets to make the evaluation and asks:
– Well, how many sales did you make?
– Only one sale, sir.
– Nothing else? – The manager sighs – That's not enough. But tell me, how much was that sale?
– It was a $175.000 to the client, sir.
– $175,000, b-b-b-but what did you sell him?
– Well, you see, sir. First I sold him a small hook, then I sold him a complete box of hooks, and right away I sold him the most expensive fishing rod. Then I asked him where he would go fishing, and he said to the Superior lake. I informed him that Superior lake should be a bit rough by now, so it would be better to have a good boat, and I suggested one with a double outboard motor. He told me that maybe his car couldn't handle the boat, so I took him to the car section and sold him a Ford Super Duty F-450 DRW, with all the necessary equipment to tow the boat.
The boss, very impressed with the new salesperson, asks him:
– You say the guy came to buy a hook and you sold him a boat and a 4X4?
The young salesman shyly corrects his boss saying:
– No, no, sir! The client came to buy tampons for his wife, and I said to him: "Hey buddy, you've already screwed up the weekend, so why don't you go fishing?

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