…Want To Understand Women

Jack is in his car driving on the highway by the ocean in California…

…when he stops and asks God for just 1 wish for being a super faithful and good human being. God instantly appears and tells Jack that he has earned the right for one wish.

Jack: I wish for a bridge from here to Hawaii so that I can drive there and have a great time

God: Ehhhh! Your wish is too materialistic! I would have to get the concrete, carefully think about the design, along with pipes and suspensions for balance and aesthetics. It would be quite a bit to handle on my part! Wish something else and I will grant it

Jack: Hmmm… Okay, I wish to be able to read women’s minds. I want to know exactly what they’re thinking at all times, what they mean when they say ‘nothing’ or ‘fine’ or ‘have fun’. Basically, I want to understand women inside out

God: So do you want 2 lanes or 4 lanes on that bridge?

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